I am really pleased to welcome you to our academy website.
Shibden Head Primary Academy is a two-form entry school for pupils aged 4 to 11 serving the village of Queensbury in Bradford. WE also offer a before and after school club that is on our school site and from May 2024 will open from 7am - 6pm.
The staff and governors work closely together to provide a happy, safe, positive learning environment in which children can learn and develop in order to fulfil their potential. We encourage a strong partnership with parents and carers to create the very best learning opportunities for children in our academy.
Lucy Shaw, Headteacher
//player.vimeo.com/video/828009010?title=0&byline=0&loop=1#t=0.5Our consultation for admissions has now opened, please see the admissions page for more information, thank you.
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Helping us to achieve our vision are:
331 Families
Staff Members
8 Governors