Proud to be part of the Focus-Trust

Shibden Head Primary Academy


Curriculum-Gallery (ID 1028)






























There is a requirement for all schools to publish the outline curriculum for each year group on their website. It is impossible to publish details of every aspect of the curriculum. The links below provide access to outlines of the key content for each year group.  It should be noted that the details below are the ‘standard curriculum’ requirements; we constantly differentiate these to support and extend all pupils.

To comply with our duties under the Equality Act we take steps to ensure that the curriculum is accessible for all children with disability or special educational needs by adapting content, providing additional support or resources to support learning.

See link below for Focus Trust Curriculum Statement.


Working within this, all academies in the Trust have developed their own curriculum statements. Please click the link below.

curriculum 2023 24 policy.pdf


Details of individual subjects can be seen under the specific tabs in the Learning drop down menu.

Staff will always be very happy to discuss the content of the curriculum in more detail with any parent or carer.  Please contact the office if you wish to find our more about the curriculum at Shibden Head.

Learning Challenge Curriculum

Much of our curriculum is taught through topic-based cross-curricular themes. Where possible we try to link our learning as much as possible – see our year group pages for our curriculum maps for each subject.

Below is our blueprint of what teaching looks like at Shibden Head. We pride ourselves with the variety of strategies and experiences that we offer and are constantly seeking new ways to ensure that key skills are being taught in the most effective way…

What teaching and learning looks like at Shibden Head

Please see curriculum subject pages and year group pages for more information about our broad and balanced curriculum and if you would like any further on our curriculum please email our school office and ask for Mrs Shaw to contact you and she will be happy to assist.

We also have a set of pedagogical principles that we use for our lessons:

Pedagogical Principles 2022-23 

Principles explained

We are very proud of our curriculum at Shibden Head.  Our floor books capture detail of learning across different curriculum subjects as a celebration of learning and to assist children in recalling learning over time.

We pride ourself on key values and concepts that we promote through assemblies, class meetings and ‘think and drink’ time. See below our key concepts for Shibden Head:

Shibden’s concepts

Our Curriculum Handbook:

