SEND – Special Educational Need or Disability
We have a school community of approximately 420 children. We recognise that children will join our school with a range of abilities and experiences and our aim is to to provide for each and every child’s needs with the intention that every child will thrive and achieve their potential.
Some children have special needs or a disability in a particular area or across a number of areas e.g. physical, hearing, sight, learning, social or emotional and speech and language development.
Our special educational needs policy and our accessibility plan can be seen below.
All schools follow a Code of Practice with regard to special needs or disability.
The local offer for Bradford local authority gives information about what support and activities are available in the Bradford area.
Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCO)
We have a member of staff who coordinates provision for children with special needs or disability in school; she is called SENDCO. Our SENDCO is Miss Kathryn Straw.
The SENDCO can always be contacted via the school office.
We always liaise very closely with parents and carers with regard to provision and progress for children with SEND. Regular meetings are held where needs are discussed and targets set appropriate to need.
We also work closely with a range of agencies and professionals to best meet the needs of the child.